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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dream i had

so the other day i had a dream... it freaked me out.. i always have control in my dreams and in this one i didnt.. it was my first that i have had (from what i can remember) that i couldnt control.

so it took place in high school kind of... like it didnt look like where i went to high school but i knew it was high school. brian and i go to a class and it ended up being the wrong period which happened to be that teacher's lunch period so we ended up just hanging out with the teacher while he or she ate pudding... just hung out talked laugh

well next period came along and i skipped that period and my mom picked me up and we went to the library... we did the normal library stuff and left... as we were walking out and going to the car all of a sudden i start walking strange like my body started twitching every few seconds and i looked in the air and there was just a car door falling from the sky, i was backing up trying not to get hit, then i just fell over with no further movement i was just laying on my back next to the curb. i was down there for a few seconds and then a car slowly starts pushing me, its not running over me its pushing me.. im looking straight up while laying on my back all i see is the bumper of a gold mid 90s stratus i think and the sky... the car is pushing me, im not rolling over, im not being scraped in to the ground, and im not being hurt, but i can hear scraping of what sounds to be plastic on the ground. im just being pushed like im on wheels or something and for some reason i have my mom's purse and i just start hitting the bumper with her purse and yelling stop with each impact of the purse to the car....

that happens a few times then all of a sudden im laying in a gurney in a hospital and i hear my mom's voice say "he's dead" she wasnt crying or anything she didnt say it quick and careless she just said he's dead... a second later i pop up like im just coming back to life and taking a deep breath (sorta like how when you suddenly wake up from a bad dream) and i get off of the gurney. i just stand there and i start moving like im on one of those express walkways in the airport that moves for you. i stand there and just let it take me where ever and i dont move or make a sound im just standing there like im a robot in the off position. a few seconds later im falling threw the sky, clouds and all and im instantly scared cause i have a fear of falling. i know its a dream but i have no control over it im trying to wake myself up but i cant. i dont know whats wrong. i try everything i can to wake up. i can feel my body laying on the bed but yet i can also feel my body falling threw the sky in the dream... some how i get my head to twitch to the left in real life and wake up and spring up in bed.....

freaked me the fuck out.... i had been depressed all week and then to have that dream just tore my mind, i barely spoke all day and there was times when i thought i was gonna break out crying....this was on sunday


--== Rooster's Random Hen ==--

--== Kristen Stewart ==--

so sweet so mysterious... not only can she pull off the bad girl look but she also has that sweet innocent look too.. put her on my dinner plate

Friday, July 17, 2009

Qik app testing, phone product updates, and random crappins

Whats ups... so as some of you know i have been doing some alpha testing for a application called qik. i have found some bugs and also suggested some things and so far they have fixed and added what i have sent them. if you would like to read my previous post of the alpha testing click here.

so far the interface is still the same, but they added in 2 suggestions i made (im sure others may have too but i have no clue if there are other testers for the i910 let alone what they are saying).

the first thing i suggested was add a light feature so you can record in the dark... basicly when you click on the light bulb icon it turns on your flash LED light so you can use it as a flashlight while recording...

second i suggested they have it so you can let it work in background... this allows you to "close" out of the app and still let it upload your video-s while you do something else with the phone like a text message or play a game. all you do is hit the x and it has buttons that say return - background - exit.

all in all its coming out quite nicely and everyone at is doing an awesome job


im working with another company that has some unique phone products. here in a few weeks i should receive my first product from them an a little while after that i will have a new product for you all to look at and get... trust me this new item is way cool and at a good price so your gonna be tempted to get it... hell its just cool as shit so you should just set 20$ aside and buy it when i post it...

im excited


and now for some random funnies

this is old but still funny

more weebls stuff


--==Rooster's Random Hen==--

--== Ellen Page ==--

ok ok so the hen isnt so random this time... the reason i chose her is cause i wanted you to see the trailer of a new movie that she is going to be in which looks awesome - Whip It -... granted that i totally fell in love with ellen page in juno even tho she scared the shit out of me in hard candy, BUT its ellen page and fuckin roller derby... how awesome is that.... can you say rawr

take a look at the video and then enjoy some pics

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Up and Down

man has the past week been all over the place...

lets start from the top

a little over a week ago my sister got in town for the 4th of july and brought her kids and her boyfiend... 4th of july is what it always is... kinda dull, kinda hot, and at night boom boom boom. but after the fireworks we went out and had some drinks and played some pool.

From Left To Right
Me (i look fat for some reason), Brandon, Justin, My sister April, And her Boyfriend George

Now the day after was WAY more fun.

for years i have been going to a near by quarry to either hang out or just relax. its really neat there, lots to look at, lots to learn. but this time was different, this time we decided to bring SLEDS! yeah thats right sleds...

the time befor that we brought some boxes and tried to use those to sled down but they were to flexible and we kinda dug down in to the rocks so it slowed us down a lot. but this time we had the sleds and we flew down the rock hills faster than you would in snow most cases.

its was a lot of fun but after that we decided to go down to the bottom of the quarry and we went in to one of the mines and explore a bit... yes actually in the mines... its ok its a limestone mine so it is stable unlike a coal mine which needs extra support to be held up. the limestone will hold itself up aslong as you cut it right becase it is a lot stronger than coal.

but none the less here are some pictures of our few times out there and im sure there will be more to come


the night after that was a sad one... which sucks cause it was a really good weekend. but a friend died in a car accident.. im not gonna bring you down and make you read the details. but if your interested here is some links and some pictures

News Report (comments left by some people are just wrong)


i was gonna post the funeral homes memorial thing but the site is down (hopefully i will remeber to do this later

and now some pictures of knefler


and now for some funnies

I love dumb cocky idiots

Fun Song - sung by hitler


yeah like i said up and down but it is life... be safe everyone...

--==Rooster's Random Hen==--

--==Kristin Kreuk==--

oh miss lana lang.. superman is a dumbass for not going after this girl. in fact i think im gonna give him my kryptonite pimp smack... and yes my pimp hand is strong....