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Showing posts with label funeral. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funeral. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Up and Down

man has the past week been all over the place...

lets start from the top

a little over a week ago my sister got in town for the 4th of july and brought her kids and her boyfiend... 4th of july is what it always is... kinda dull, kinda hot, and at night boom boom boom. but after the fireworks we went out and had some drinks and played some pool.

From Left To Right
Me (i look fat for some reason), Brandon, Justin, My sister April, And her Boyfriend George

Now the day after was WAY more fun.

for years i have been going to a near by quarry to either hang out or just relax. its really neat there, lots to look at, lots to learn. but this time was different, this time we decided to bring SLEDS! yeah thats right sleds...

the time befor that we brought some boxes and tried to use those to sled down but they were to flexible and we kinda dug down in to the rocks so it slowed us down a lot. but this time we had the sleds and we flew down the rock hills faster than you would in snow most cases.

its was a lot of fun but after that we decided to go down to the bottom of the quarry and we went in to one of the mines and explore a bit... yes actually in the mines... its ok its a limestone mine so it is stable unlike a coal mine which needs extra support to be held up. the limestone will hold itself up aslong as you cut it right becase it is a lot stronger than coal.

but none the less here are some pictures of our few times out there and im sure there will be more to come


the night after that was a sad one... which sucks cause it was a really good weekend. but a friend died in a car accident.. im not gonna bring you down and make you read the details. but if your interested here is some links and some pictures

News Report (comments left by some people are just wrong)


i was gonna post the funeral homes memorial thing but the site is down (hopefully i will remeber to do this later

and now some pictures of knefler


and now for some funnies

I love dumb cocky idiots

Fun Song - sung by hitler


yeah like i said up and down but it is life... be safe everyone...

--==Rooster's Random Hen==--

--==Kristin Kreuk==--

oh miss lana lang.. superman is a dumbass for not going after this girl. in fact i think im gonna give him my kryptonite pimp smack... and yes my pimp hand is strong....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

today so far

soooo today was Richard Molloy funeral. i had less than 4 hours of sleep so i didnt stay long. i used to hang out with richard alot when i was younger. would go and pick him up and go run around to like the mall or broad ripple or some park and just goof off with friends.

it was strange being there cuase i havent really seen him in awhile.. like i saw him a few times over the years but i never really hung out with him like in the past. and on top of that this was the first funeral that i have ever been to where the person was cremated. im not sure how i feel about that.. for me a funeral is the final "see you later" and without seeing a body it was just different and sorta felt like it wasnt real or this was a stage.... there is no closure i guess. But from what im guessing is his body was pretty mangled from the accident, so i guess it was the best choice.

where ever you are richard i know its a good place. you might have had some drug problems but you are a very kind hearted person and you deserve a good place.

cherries and blueberries
Love adam


so shortly after i got home my mom threw an idea for my blog... before i get in to what she said, let me tell you right now that SHE PISSED ME THE FUCK OFF

for those of you that dont know, my mom is a pastor (preacher, reverend, bible speaker but not a bible thumper) now she doesnt hate gays and she isnt against them getting married

BUT she is against them calling it marriage "because in scripture marriage is between a man and a woman". she wanted me to create a blog consisting of how gays should be allowed to be married but they should come up with their own "definition".

at that point in time i said fuck scripture god doesnt care if they use the word marriage. she said yes he does care... thats where i got super pissed off.. and i mean pissed... if that wasnt my mother my fist would be in their face... i looked her strait in the eyes and said"well it looks like im going to fucking hell and you need to shut the fuck up" i turned around and walked out of the room. she continued to tell me that im not understanding what she was saying and after numerous times of tellingher to stop talking to me and to shut up i litteraly had to kick a table across the floor to get her to realize its not something i want to disscuss with her.

i feel disgusted with her.. seriously. like im glad she is for gay marriage and stuff now(she used to not be) but the fact that they "shouldnt be alowed to use the word marriage" and that she came to ME thinking i would think that its a good disscussion topic , it really disturbed me... its like she said gays arent good enough for the word marriage but they are good enough to get married.

hflkaihgfoihareghaoehguqahniugnqeg <---- anger.. thats just the short story with the main details.. there was more to it that started the fuse but its just not worth writing about.

i will write a gay blog later... lol gay blog