dear readers that are just randomly coming by my blog (cause i have no subscribers) this post is in response to a post by one of my local news stations.
the post is titled "The harmful effects of hookah"
my response to the article is below
wow I'm offended and highly annoyed... this is what i love about people who try and pull out facts about hookah let me quote you from your own misguided post
"A typical one-hour hookah session involves inhaling 100 to 200 times the volume of smoke inhaled from a single cigarette. That's according to studies cited by the CDC."
you are comparing "ONE HOUR" against "ONE CIGARETTE". that is in NO WAY a controlled test... obviously youre going to get more smoke from that cause you are smoking more tobacco.. thats just one thing from that quote that is misleading
if you take a liter of smoke from a cigarette and a liter from hookah, you will see that there is FAR less toxins in the hookah smoke.
shisha (the name of the tobacco for hookah) has no extra additives its just the plant and a flavored molasses. most brands of shisha wash their tobacco which lowers the content of nicotine. the average cigarette has 5% nicotine in it, the average hookah has .05% which is a HUGE difference.
on top of all that there is no chemical additives to typical shisha unlike cigarettes that have a list of over 500 additives
the average smoker smokes a pack a day, the average hookah smoker doesnt even smoke every day. someone like me that is an above average hookah smoker will smoke an hour a day, rarely do people smoke more than that a day.
dear WTHR news... get your facts straight before you post an article... oh thats right, facts are something from the past when news companies were actually respectful.
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